Illegal immigration refers to the act of entering or living in a country without proper authorization or documentation. It is a highly debated and politically contentious issue, often associated with concerns about social, economic, and security implications. The media plays a significant role in shaping public discourse on illegal immigration, although the extent and consequences of this phenomenon are difficult to quantify due to its undocumented nature.
The journey is extremely dangerous, posing a risk to the lives of migrants. The migrants face physical and natural hazards along the route, making the journey even more risky. Migrants choose this dangerous route in search of a better life. They set out on this route to escape war, poverty, hunger, and other natural disasters. Additionally, migrants make this journey to support their families and gain better opportunities that they might not otherwise have in their home country. This journey carries physical, mental, and emotional risks, but migrants choose to do so because they are willing to take risks to improve their lives.
What is Donkey Visa?
Donkey visa means entering America or any other country illegally or in other words without the permission of that country and these routes pass through many countries and make people enter that country illegally which is legally illegal and it is also very risky.
Whenever someone reaches countries like America or Britain through this route, then it is called the donkey route. The number of such people in America is being said to be more than 10 million at this time and the government there is now identifying such people one by one so that they can be sent back to their country.
The Donkey Route was originally utilized by smugglers for the purpose of illicit transportation, but now people are also being sent from one place to another through it. The biggest reason for the Donkey Route being dangerous is that it involves crossing the borders of many countries, which involves a lot of risk. If you are caught crossing the border of any country illegally, you may get into trouble.
It has also been seen many times that the forces even shoot at the border for illegally entering inside. Apart from this, these routes are taken through mountains, forests and seas, in which many people die on the way due to hunger or wild animals and they are not found anywhere.
There is so much snow on some routes that a person is not able to protect himself. The biggest thing in this is that if you lag behind the group even a little, then it is not possible for you to survive.
Travel to Latin American Countries
The journey begins with Latin American countries, such as Ecuador, Bolivia, Guyana, Brazil, and Venezuela, where visa facility is available for Indian citizens. After reaching these countries, migrants, who have received visas, are ready for the onward journey. This journey is planned and guided by agents who are part of a complex smuggling network.
Darian Gap: A route full of dangers
A major dangerous area located between Colombia and Panama is called the Darian Gap. In this jungle, migrants have to face wild animals, criminal gangs and violence. Crossing the Darian Gap is a very risky task, as migrants can fall victim to robbery, rape and other violent incidents. The area lacks medical facilities, and if a migrant is killed on this journey, there is no way to send the body back home.
Role of Migration Agents and Cost of Travel
During this journey, migrant agents have a vital role. Agents have 'connections' in different countries, which allow them to guide them through the network of human trafficking. The total cost of the journey is exorbitant, ranging from USD 35K to USD 100K. The migrants pay this amount in advance to the agents during the journey, and the full amount is paid by the time the journey is over.
Journey to the US border: Rio Grande and arrest
The migrants eventually reach the US border, where they cross the Rio Grande River, an important river located between the US and Mexico. Crossing this river is also a big risk, as migrants can drown or face other natural disasters. After reaching the US border, the migrants are detained by the US authorities. They later undergo the asylum process, which determines their future.
Let us tell you that whenever such people are caught in America, they are kept in detention camps and then the government deports to their home country. Not only this, they are also banned from going to America.